KIBCo Psycho social Services (Counselling) department focuses on the provision of quality psychological and counselling services for individuals, groups, marriage, families and organizations/Institutions. The unit has a pool of counselors specialists in different areas. For example Marriage and Family Therapy; Crisis management and counselling including Trauma counselling and critical incident debriefing; HIV and AIDS in a clinical and Community setting; Chemical dependency and addiction counseling; Chemical dependency and addiction counselling; Child and adolescent counselling; Career and Vocational guidance and counselling; Counselling for special needs and disabilities; Workplace counselling and other form of counselling.
KIBCo receives clients who voluntarily seek counselling services and builds partnerships with institutions, corporations, agencies, and organizations requiring psycho social wellness services.
All KIBCo counselors and supervisors are highly competent and have grounded experience. Their functions and practice are guided by recognized codes of ethics and relevant legislation/Acts. The feedback provided by our clients has demonstrated that KIBCo counselling psychologists and counselor supervisors are of high repute.